Kingdom Community Church desires to introduce you to the life changing power of Jesus. This is achieved through connecting with you.

KCC Opportunites to Connect

  • Sports

    We love sports. A game of pickle ball, basketball, a group workout session or a few sets of volleyball are some of the ways we enjoy connecting with each other…while breaking a sweat.

  • Games

    Whether it’s a classic game of chess, a spades or bunco tournament, or a friendly trash talking game of crokinole, we’re in. The reality is that it’s more about the conversation than it is about the game…but the games are a good time.

  • Nature Rocks

    Dad jokes are the best. Our church meets at a local farm. This means plenty of grassy areas and woods which lend themselves to many activities. Cornhole, bonfires, frisbee, and family bike rides are a few of the ways we enjoy being outdoors together.

Deeper Connection Venues

Let’s face it. It’s hard to have real conversations with someone about life’s bigger issues. We’ve created space for this.

Bible Study

Join us on Thursday evenings at 8p as we take a look at God’s Word together. If you’ve never held a Bible in your hands or if it’s your favorite daily routine this is the place for you.


Discipleship groups are a great way to dive deeper into your relationship with Jesus. In response to His command in Matthew 28:19-20 we have discipleship groups that want to challenge you to take that next step in your faith journey.


Or as our Aussie friends call it, “a cuppa.” We’d love to have a chat with you. Whether you need a listening ear, shoulder to cry on or someone to celebrate with, we’re in. Just reach out.